Help the Sarasota Technology Users Group
 Refurbishing Group continue to restore and donate used
computer equipment to our community.

As many of you know, one of STUG's activities is the Refurbishing Project.
This effort has been self-sustaining for many years. Its funding is separate and
independent of
our education funds. In the past, “Refurb” has received funds
from individual donations, grants and the Giving Challenge. Expenses include
rent on the facility at Sawyer Rd., electricity, and parts for repairing computers.


Over the last couple of years, funding has not kept up with expenses and
the project has been using its dwindling reserves to meet expenses.

 The Giving Challenge is an exciting 24-hour giving event that connects 700+
nonprofit organizations with passionate donors and community members to
support diverse causes and create enduring impact in Sarasota, Manatee,
Charlotte, and DeSoto counties.

 Join our vibrant culture of giving and maximize your impact online from

Tuesday noon on April 26 to Wednesday Noon, April 27, 2022.


Keep an eye on the Monitor, our website (,
 Facebook (
 and emails for details.

 Giving Challenge is an online event with all donations being made on the Internet.

 The instructions on donating are easy. Go to:

and click on the Donate button. Going to the site early will get an error message
