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How to Open, Save, and Print the Monitor on a Windows 7 or 8 Computer using Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome browsers


1. Open the STUG email that contains the link to the Monitor and click the link, CLICK HERE.
2. This will take you to the “Landing Page” on our website,

3. Click the “Click Here” link, which will open the Monitor in Adobe Reader* in PDF format. Wait briefly while it loads the 24 pages. Once it is loaded, you can read the monitor on your screen.

4. To save the Monitor to your Windows 7 or 8 computer, first create a “Monitors” folder in your Documents folder or on the Desktop.  Then open the Monitor using steps 1 – 3, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and press the S key to open the Save As window.
5. In the Save As window, first change the file name to Monitor February 2015 (or whatever month it is). Then navigate to the folder you created and click Save.

*If you don’t have the free Adobe Reader application, you can find the link to it at the bottom of the Publications page on our website, You can also go to and download the application. Adobe Reader allows you to open and read documents with the PDF extension.
6. You can now open the Monitor whenever you want to and can print it, if you wish. To print a few selected pages of the Monitor, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and press the P key to open your print window. In the Pages to Print area, instead of All, click the Pages button and type the page numbers you want to print. Then click Print. Printers differ, but all will have a place to choose specific pages to print.