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Safe and Secure
Bob Gostischa (Avast)
January 2020 presentation

Please find instructions to successfully install Avast and other helpful links and tips at


 If you found this presentation helpful, please let your friends in other clubs know that it's available totally free of charge and without any strings attached.

If you're truly ambitious, letting Lina at Avast know what you thought of the presentation would also be nice. ( If you didn't like it, it's still OK to let her know that too. )

You can contact her at Please put Bob's Security Seminar in the Subject line.

(Attach a CC to me:  Thanks)

I would appreciate knowing that these instructions have been forwarded to the club members.

You'll find an entry about this presentation on my Blog

For those members that may want to watch the presentation at their own pace, here is an early video of the presentation

There are a lot more videos on my YouTube channel and if you subscribe to the channel, you'll be notified whenever a new video is released.

Presentation link:


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